Using InvisiGrip to stop rulers from slipping
I was browsing for a new ruler since I have a brilliant Janome one that is 60 x 15cm but find it on the large side for some tasks. There didn’t seem to be many marked in cm but I came across the Omnigrid 30 x 15cm on the Cotton Patch website which was the kind of size I was looking for. As I was scrolling through the ruler section I came across this product called InvisiGrip (also by Omnigrid), a clear film you can apply to the underside of rulers to prevent them from slipping. It is a problem I come across particularly with the long side of the larger ruler, so I decided to give it a go. Omnigrid do have a selection of non-slip rulers but not in cm markings.

It comes as one rolled sheet 12.5” x 1 yard (just over 31cm x 91cm) which was more than enough for both rulers. It might have been easier to flatten it first by rolling it out the other way but I was eager to get going and didn’t find it too much of a problem.
Tutorial - How to apply InvisiGrip to a ruler
Step 1 - Place the InvisiGrip sheet down with the shiny side up
The shiny side is the Invisigrip film, with a paper backing sheet.

Step 2 - Lay the ruler on the InvisiGrip sheet
They advise cutting the InvisiGrip sheet ¼” (about 5mm) less than the ruler shape, so lay the ruler on top leaving the 5mm overhang free.
Step 3 - Cut the InvisiGrip sheet to size
Use a cutting knife around the edge, and of course the beauty of this product means it doesn’t slip while you do this :) I used a Fiskars craft knife that I use for cutting paper.
Step 4 - Peel off and stick to the ruler
The InvisiGrip peels away easily from the backing sheet and isn’t sticky but grips a bit like plastic window stickers which means you can reposition if it goes wrong. I folded the backing sheet under so I could apply it gradually to help reduce bubbles and prevent the rest of the sheet picking up dust.
Apply it to one end of the ruler, remembering the Invisigrip sheet is slightly smaller than the ruler so leave the edges free. Unroll it gradually while using your fingers or thumb to sweep from the middle to each side as indicated by the black arrows to reduce bubbles. You could also slide another ruler across the top of the film at right angles.
For those perfectionists out there (yes you know it), here is a photo with light reflected on the ruler to show the appearance of very mild bubbling I had underneath. However this doesn't show at all when it's in use and somehow seems to have reduced over time since applying it.

The InvisiGrip has made a big difference and the rulers no longer slip when in use. However they can still be easily slid across a surface to move them around if not pressing down hard.

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