What is the MingMakesMistakes series?
I like to call this this section MingMakesMistakes as it is my series of blog posts written as a review and full pattern guide, aimed to make it a smoother process for anyone sewing this or similar. As I work through a pattern, I post in the blog as I go with short tutorials and advice. Once I’ve completed the garment, I pull everything together in one MingMakesMistakes post that acts as a guide to anyone sewing that pattern as well as others, since many techniques are applicable to sewing in general.

What's in a MingMakesMistakes post?
They include my experience with the pattern and fabric, changes I made for fit or construction method and why, mistakes and near misses, helpful tips I picked up along the way and includes links to all the relevant tutorials and posts. I hope you find these a great detailed resource for your sewing projects.
I often make a toile and will try to share my entire fitting process as I find this a very challenging part of sewing, but equally important as the quality of the finish.

Any links to products used will generally point to the original manufacturer or a UK supplier. If you’re interested in buying them please try to source them from your favourite independent stores. There are many amazing small businesses out there that give a great personal service, both online and bricks & mortar, so please do support them so they can continue supporting our hobby.
I have no affiliations, I'm just a keen buyer and user.